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Roomba Not Connecting To WiFi

Roomba Not Connecting To WiFi. How To Fix This Issue?

With the use of smart technology, a Roomba robotic vacuum cleaner makes cleaning floors straightforward and is a tremendous convenience for any home. But like all smart gadgets, sometimes things don’t work out the way we want them to, and connecting to WiFi is a regular problem for many Roomba users. It might be annoying when your Roomba fails to connect to WiFi. You risk losing the ability to use the app to remotely operate your Roomba, view cleaning schedules, or get software upgrades if your connection isn’t strong enough. To diagnose and resolve the issue of your Roomba not connecting to WiFi, follow these instructions.

Why Roomba Not Connecting To WiFi?

If Roomba not connecting to Wi-Fi then there can be number of reasons. You can find delinquent more swiftly if you are alert of latent roots:

  • WiFi Signal Strength: The Roomba may have trouble connecting or staying connected if your WiFi signal is spotty or poor where it is located.
  • Router Problems: Occasionally, your router is the source of the issue. The Roomba may not connect due to firmware problems or router settings.
  • WiFi Network Incompatibility: Roombas often connect to networks operating at 2.4 GHz. The Roomba might not connect if your network is configured to 5 GHz by default or if your router only supports 5 GHz.
  • Software Updates: To enhance connectivity and performance, your Roomba could require a firmware upgrade. On the other hand, the iRobot Home app can be out of date on it, or you might need to update your own app.
  • Device or App Conflicts: A good connection may occasionally be prevented by conflicts between your smartphone, the Roomba app, or other devices.

Let’s examine how to fix the problem of your Roomba not connecting to WiFi now that we are conscious of probable reasons.

How To Connect Roomba To WiFi? Easy Steps Here!

1. Verify The WiFi Settings

2.4 GHz WiFi networks are compatible with Roombas. Your Roomba may not be able to connect if your router is configured to utilize a 5 GHz network or both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz at the same time. What you can do is as follows:

  • Make Sure Your Router Is 2.4 GHz Compatible: Verify whether the 2.4 GHz band is being transmitted by your router. Some routers may need to be manually configured to allow both bands, however many contemporary routers broadcast both 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networks. You may check if the 2.4 GHz band is enabled by logging into your router’s settings.
  • Divided Networks: By assigning distinct names (SSID), certain routers allow users to divide the 2.4 GHz and 5 GHz networks. Connect your Roomba to the 2.4 GHz network and, if you can, give them unique names.
  • WiFi Channel Settings: Occasionally, the Roomba’s connection may be disrupted by the channel settings on your router. Try swapping to less packed channel on your network.

2. Verify The WiFi Signal Strength

The range that Roombas may operate within is specified by the router. It can have trouble connecting or staying connected if the WiFi connection is poor. What you can do is as follows:

  • Try moving Roomba nearer to router to see if it helps the signal if it’s far away.
  • If the room where you usually use your Roomba has a poor WiFi connection, think about using a WiFi extender to strengthen it. This may be an easy and affordable fix.

3. Turn The Roomba Back On

Try resetting the Roomba to update its internal settings if it’s still not connecting. To reset your Roomba, follow these steps:

  • Soft Reset: Hold down the “Clean” button for ten to twenty seconds, or until the Roomba’s lights begin to flicker. Without deleting any settings, this will reset the device.
  • Factory Reset: You might need to make a factory reset if soft reset doesn’t work. To accomplish this, press and hold the “Dock” and “Clean” buttons at the same time for approximately ten seconds, or until a buzzer sounds. You will have to reconfigure your Roomba after a factory reset, which will remove all of your settings.

4. Update Your App and Roomba

Connectivity problems may arise if your Roomba’s firmware is out of date or if the software you use to operate it is out of date. What to do is as follows:

  • Check for App Apprises: Make sure your smartphone is running the most recent version of the iRobot Home app. Check for apprises by going to app store.
  • Look for updates to the Roomba’s firmware: Verify that the firmware on your Roomba is up to date if it is connected through the app but is still not functioning properly. Updates are available over iRobot Home app.

5. Turn The Router and Roomba On and Off

Restarting your network and the Roomba together will sometimes fix connectivity problems. Use these procedures to power cycle your devices:

  • Holding down “Clean” knob will turn off Roomba.
  • To reset your network, unplug your router for ten seconds or more.
  • After a minute, reconnect the router and allow it to reset.
  • Press the “Clean” button to turn the Roomba back on.

6. Look For Interference

Connectivity problems may arise from other gadgets in your house interfering with the WiFi signal. The 2.4 GHz band is frequently used by other devices, which might cause issues with the Roomba’s connection. When trying to connect, try relocating these devices away from the Roomba and the router, or try turning them off.

7. Speak With Our Professionals

There may be a more serious problem if you have attempted every troubleshooting step listed above and your Roomba not connecting to Wi-Fi. So you must contact experts as they can assist you with more troubleshooting or assess whether your item needs to be repaired.


Although it might be an irritating issue, most of the time, a Roomba not connecting to Wi-Fi can be fixed. You should be able to quickly bring your Roomba back online by making sure your WiFi is configured correctly, upgrading your firmware and app, assessing the strength of your signal, and doing resets. Soon, your Roomba will be cleaning your floors and linked to your WiFi, enabling you to take use of everything that your smart vacuum cleaner has to offer.